B2B Copywriting

The 6 Key Differences Between Business-to-Business and Consumer Marketing

Published on December 8, 2011 by Stephanie Leach

 *This article appears courtesy of Bob Bly’s Direct Response Letter, located at www.bly.com

When asked if he could write an effective direct mail package on a complex electronic control system, a well-known direct response copywriter replied, “No problem.  It doesn’t matter what the product is.  You are selling to…

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Copywriting for the “Janus” Business Buyer

Published on October 12, 2010 by Stephanie Leach

Remember Janus of Roman mythology? He is depicted as having two faces or heads, each looking in the opposite direction. The concerns of the one face differed from the concerns of the other. Business buyers similarly have a dual personality, and business-to-business copywriting must address both the business needs and the…

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