B2B Marketing with Twitter

Published on October 20, 2010 by Stephanie Leach

Twitter is one of the most powerful tools in the marketer's toolbox.  Really.  I recently read an astounding statistic.  Around 75% of B2B companies are microblogging on platforms such as Twitter.  Why the dramatic increase?  Because it's effective.  The MLT Creative presentation “Twitter for B2B Marketing Results” included some convincing arguments for integrating Twitter into B2B marketing campaigns.Ttwitter Marketing

Increased Awareness – To get more sales, you need more presentations and sales calls.  To get more sales calls you need more leads.  To get more leads you need people who know you exist.  Tweeting about your products and services gets the word out.  Even if your company name is well known, end users and decision makers may not know about a particular solution or product.   

To Aid Recall –Remind your prospects about upcoming webinars or other events.  With lengthening to-do lists, prospects can forget about your event, or decide the new “urgent” email that just landed in their in-box is more important.  If they miss your next webinar, teleconference or event, you have just lost precious time moving them toward your solution for their needs.

To Stimulate Word-of-Mouth – Electronic word-of-mouth is invaluable.  As we all know, prospects trust the opinions of friends and colleagues more than they trust a salesperson.  When prospects and customers retweet your tweets, you spread your marketing messages exponentially.   And more people hear about you from a source they trust.

To Support Research – Twitter is an effective way to motivate people to participate in a survey or poll.  When they are in their work email in-box, they may skip your emailed survey in favor of more pressing tasks.  But when they are on Twitter, they are engaging socially with you, and they are likely to click on the link to take that survey. 

Integrating Twitter into B2B marketing campaigns increases awareness of your products and services.  It also allows you to easily connect with prospects and customers, learning more about their needs and interests. 

To read more about how Twitter can support your marketing efforts, get your MLT Creative "Twitter for B2B Marketing Results" here.  

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